
fireblyss - 2003-03-18 12:36:28
no need for worrying anymore about this world, it's a world WE have made wrong, in the process of self-destruction, and no sadness or anger or anything can change what is destined to be. Don't get me wrong, I want the war, I want that antichrist bastard Saddam to be thrown out of power for the sake of the world. but honestly, you know and i know there is no such thing as a peaceful nation not in this day and age. the war must be, do not doubt our President's decision, i know for a fact he tried the best he could, and he has asked for God's help every step of the way, but God gave us this world and free will to make of it what we will, and that is what we have done. we have made it a world of murderers, drugs, sex crazes, rapes, blaspheme, and then when the shit hits the fan everyone wants to cry about it. just keep this in mind, WE ALL HAVE TO DIE SOMETIME ANYWAY!
Loftwyr - 2003-03-18 12:49:33
I'm not sure what your point is here. Sadam isn't anything but a bad person. Your president (not ours) is going to war for oil. All he other stuff he says is just a way to get the gullible to beleive it's for anything else. When the entire world is against this war, it shows that what Bush is doing is nothing but terrorism with a pretty paintjob.
politika - 2003-03-18 13:54:57
If this is what 'God' intended, then I say there is no God at all. This war is nothing more that the US stamping it's foot like a child and saying "but Iraq *has* to want to be a democracy! Ok, we'll go in and "liberate them" Stupid, selfish idiots. There is absolutely nothing good that can come from this way. Nothing at all. I agree with you, Monstre, on this one in a huge way. Just keep in mind that all empires fall eventually, and the US's time is almost up. Unfortunately, it will take most of the world with it. Sigh. I vote for annihilation
vespa - 2003-03-19 00:08:37
There's an Orbital song off their first (? I think) album that for the chorus, has the last line of your post: "PEACE! or annihilation! It's YOUR CHOICE!"

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