
Yana - 2003-08-13 23:42:54
Emelia - 2003-08-14 01:18:44
That was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read.
Katherine - 2003-08-15 00:01:38
Your entry was vague in that it didn't describe the circumstance that inspired it. That said, and in the context of its vagueness, I'd say that I'm not sure I agree that absolute trust requires absolute disclosure. I suppose it depends on what is being disclosed. Sometimes people use "honesty" as the reason for making inappropriate disclosures - ones that only burden other people and don't result in a constructive outcome. (One example is an adulterer confessing their affair to their partner. There's nothing constructive or helpful or "good" about doing that, even though it's viewed as the moral thing to do. It's extremely hurtful and harmful and ultimately selfish because it's a way to relieve the abusive party of their guilt ultimately.) The idea, too, that you would or should (have to) care for people your partner cares for isn't necessarily realistic. There are people I love who love others I don't like, much less love. Love is entirely personal. Another person's loves are none of my business as long as they don't have a destructive or negative impact on me. My policy, to use a cold word, is I trust implicitly. If I'm betrayed I'll deal with that at the time it occurs. My expectation is that I will not be betrayed. I suppose what we all need to have is absolute trust in ourselves. To be judicious, to be sensible. And that, I find, is much harder.
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