
keggers - 2004-08-17 13:47:07
I read somewhere that during pregnancy your IQ can drop 10-20 points...but, no fear, it goes back normal once your kid leaves the house...I mean after the pregnacy. So you can a supergenius and ensure yor kid is one also.
aleta - 2004-08-17 14:53:08
yeah. you have to surf the stupids. it's okay. they tell me that the brain will eventually return. every once in awhile my brain sends me a postcard from abroad. here's a scary fact: i spoke in a cartoon voice for 4 straight days after blake was born. i was absolutely unable to speak in my normal voice; i dealt with the stress by talking like a very stupid girl.
cf - 2004-08-18 09:38:23
Yeah, but a monstre with a 20% drop in IQ is still one with an IQ 1024x higher than the rest of us anyway...
keggers - 2004-08-18 10:00:03
Oh boy...for a little while we'll be able to understand almost half of what she's saying!!!

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