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I'm amused that I could go on for hours about the events of a handful of unplanned minutes.

Half-hoping to run into Geeks and Pols in Ottawa this weekend, I certainly wasn't expecting turning the corner into the market and hear "GILA?!?" in that "what are you doing in THIS city?!?" tone that I've become so familiar with.

Five minutes of catching up on the last time I saw Adam#2 on the Q92 slopes, explaining which boyfriend number we're on and why this one's sticking around a while (since SEPTEMBER, GILA?!?! Wow!) and we played cell phone tag the rest of the day until we dragged our tired selves to see XII. Which was amazing.

He's in TO this week, and we'll reminisce a little more, and laugh about the various victims and vacations from our sanity.

Dropping off Adam #1, our passenger for the drive, we found our way past the airport to the military base that I hadn't realized we were heading for. Lost in the intentionally confusing midnight streets, we stopped a stereotypical (but cute!) looking crewcut for directions.

Moments later the hugs were enough to drown happily in.

In the morning, "Gila, wake up! Gila, wake up!" was one of the most beautiful renditions of r�veille that I've ever heard, and we played the point-to-your-bodypart game until Dave gave up on sleeping and joined us.

Watching his face soften at the sight of Emily, and the four of us curled up warmly in Alex's bed, I felt that strange twinge again.

The one that feels too happy to be true.

Wandering the city, the market, lingerie shopping and looking at the shiny things, I was disappointed at the lack of gorgeous sarongs as the last time I'd been (eight years ago with Tony), but thrilled at the company.

"Gila, what are doing? Gila, what are doing?" interspersed with a nearly tangible wave of affection from Dave, and intermittent kisses and exclamations of glee from Alex, and...

I was near tears for most of this weekend. Thrilled and blissful all at the same time. Fifteen seconds of conversation that lifted worlds from my heart before bed on Saturday night, a particularly good cuddle during a nap on Saturday afternoon, a horrendous breakfast but good company on Sunday... And the drive back with his hand in my lap and Adam#1 spouting ridiculousness in the back seat, and...

...this weekend was just what I needed. A trip out of town and away from mind-consuming everything, a chance to wander and calmly adventure and let my heart out to breathe a little.

We returned to my beds of sprouts, all sprouted.

This morning when I kissed Dave on the way to work I loved him more than ever, and when I arrived in the office my shoulders were straighter than they've been in weeks.

This afternoon is business lunch stuff, but after a rousing bout of hand-holding my boss and coddling the girls, I'm ready for any amount of feigned politeness.


I feel very good right now. Strong and sharp and happy.

And that strange edge that used to slice anything that approached a determined monstre once upon a time is missing, because this strength is a whole new flavour...

One that I didn't think was possible for the likes of me.


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backup ..random chance.. rollover


Last few Rants:

I guess this is goodbye. - 11:57 a.m. , 2005-02-10
Endorphins, stress, and magickal mystery - 5:07 p.m. , 2005-02-02
stress, incoming - 4:42 p.m. , 2005-01-28
heaving great happy sighs - 3:05 p.m. , 2005-01-24
Imposter syndrome strikes again - 1:20 p.m. , 2005-01-19