the genetic counsellor



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The genetic counsellor who cajoled us into doing the amnio just telephoned.

I surprised myself by finding absolutely no malice anywhere inside myself when I told her what had happened.

She called, introduced herself, animatedly told me she had GREAT NEWS and that the results were absolutely clear, and I could hear that she was about to ask if I wanted to know the baby's sex.

I quietly and calmly told her that I'd gone into early labour precisely a week from the amnio procedure.

She covered her gasp impressively well.

She asked if I'd gotten in touch with the OB who'd done the amnio, and I replied that I had little interest in doing so.

She offered her condolences, and I thanked her calmly.

She asked if there was anything she could do, and I methodically rattled off the series of questions that I'm still saving for the appointment with the original OB/GYN (there have been four of note -- the first one that followed my blood pressure, the second one that did the amnio, the third that authorized the demorol when I first went into labour, and then suggested I go to a different hospital when the labour wasn't slowing, and the fourth -- the one that actually delivered our son with her gentle hands.)

I asked how long until we could try again, and received one of the three stock answers that I've been hearing from everyone. (first: don't wait, my uterus is plump and primed for the filling, second: wait one period, just for everything to stabilize, the third -- wait three to four periods or six months just to "make sure") She added that whenever we felt emotionally ready was really the right time, and I appreciated the wisdom of that.

I asked how we could avoid this next time around. Not avoid the amnio entirely -- but avoid having such an unadvisably late amnio, as well as avoid potentially jumping the screening gun and deciding amnio was really worthwhile. In restrospect, a one in two hundred chance of anomaly, especially when backed by two perfectly normal ulstrasounds and five other solid test results -- was not good enough reason to allow ourselves to be pressured into it at all.

Do we blame ourselves? I don't, and I think Dave is too intelligent to fall for that as well.

Do I blame the genetic counsellor for applying her well-spoken pressure? Apparently not, judging by the civility of our conversation today.

Do I blame the OB for sticking me three times with a needle and drawing blood? I'm not sure, but even if I did harbour resentment, there is very little remaining.

Do I know what to do next time? Very definitely. Do I know when I'll get pregnant again? Not yet, and the waiting game is stressful but I'm determined to have autopsy results as well as a full checkup before even counting my periods.

Am I over it? No, and I never will be, but I am definitely at the point where I don't need the tears anymore and I don't hate myself for wanting to learn as much as possible from the experience.

*ring ring*

My ex-boss just called. Today has been all about heart to heart talks with coworkers. More about the career combobulations tomorrah.


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backup ..random chance.. rollover


Last few Rants:

I guess this is goodbye. - 11:57 a.m. , 2005-02-10
Endorphins, stress, and magickal mystery - 5:07 p.m. , 2005-02-02
stress, incoming - 4:42 p.m. , 2005-01-28
heaving great happy sighs - 3:05 p.m. , 2005-01-24
Imposter syndrome strikes again - 1:20 p.m. , 2005-01-19