
Lori - 2003-05-09 15:38:43
1) I like monstre. 2) monstre is my hero. 3) If I were alone in a room with monstre, I would tell her to never stop writing. 4) I think monstre should continue her monstre-ness. 5) monstre needs inspiration and love, like any of us. 6) monstre will never sell out. 7) I want to be a monstre. 8) Someday monstre will be catalogued in history. 9) "Not yet" is how I describe meeting monstre. 10) I read monstre's journal because monstre can write beautifully. and one bonus question: 11) monstre is most like storm from the X-men comic book, because she continually blows me away.
monstre - 2003-05-09 16:00:28
I... I'm so touched. And you're probably more monstre than I am, anyway. It isn't hard. It just takes a sincerity that I'm afraid of losing -- but somewhat less afraid thanks to your assurances. Thank you. A lot.

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