
DTM - 2003-07-12 13:46:30
It's more than a question of learning, it's also a question of daring. Dare to say what needs to be said, dare to do what needs to be done. Heh - at work I'm in the enviable position of either sitting back and letting things get all fucked up, or stand up and dare to tackle people whose positions are higher than mine. This could cost me my job, as there are a lot of politics in play, but at least I dared to tell one particular manager (diplomatically of course, but very, very firmly, I do learn too!), that it wasn't me who didn't understand the implications of what he was doing. I did stop short of telling him that at least I had the best interest of the country at heart, and question which best interest HE was persuing... ;-) Better to do the right thing and take personal risk than the wrong thing because it's easier and expected. A few short years ago, I might have said that too, and that would certainly have cost me my none-too secure position. I guess what I'm trying to get at, is that you can always learn from others, even if it's what not to do. It's the rare person that has nothing to be learned from - even dickheads. It might take more digging though! ;-)
texas holdem - 2005-05-11 00:43:46

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... Thanks!!!


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