
M. Crawler - 2003-09-03 23:36:07
Plastic hangers are easy to come by. ;-)
cf - 2003-09-04 01:32:26
Such a different Monstre than I used to know. I think this is good, though. We're both becoming happier than we were when last we knew one another.
Troll - 2003-09-05 11:45:39
Hangers shmangers. Kids are a lot more resilient than we think.
Axis - 2004-05-05 11:26:47
If there is anyone I would trust with raising a child in this world, it would be you. No, you're not going to think of everything because be definition the child will have your genes and thus be brilliant and come up with things you couldn't have considered. Even so, you're going to be an amazing mother.

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