Debauched, or so they tell me.



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This weekend carried so much warmth.

Beginning with picking Johnny up at the bus station, getting conned out of $90 by a fake-shroom dealer just to get him out of my car, and ending with a truly happy moment on the couch, being bombarded with science fiction.

There were moments where skin met skin, hands on my new ink, my hands on arms so flushed with warmth that they left me honestly surprised at the depth of the hearts surrounding me.

So many gifts, not just the swapping of saliva, but honest touches, meaning, a newspaper clipping that has put a fire in a place that sometimes has the tendency to go out, a note from Andy in my guestbook, an email from the first girl who ever exceeded my expectations for the definition of my personal new monstre race.

A bottle of 1974 bordeau that tasted the way all my tasting practice had me hoping it would, and the magic of having your hopes fulfilled works with all wishes, not just the huge ones.

I watched the kissing game give a young man the opportunity to kiss a girl that he is desperately in love with.

I watched a shy girl learn that she is beautiful not only in the eyes of old drunk men in sleazy bars.

I watched my first blood brother, John, remember that he is a force of nature, and somehow hold onto the lessons of human frailty that he has learned this year.

I sang a song that reminded me of singing it with Betsy, at the tops of our lungs, on a Montreal streetcorner at four in the morning.

I stood outside tasting spurious snowflakes, passing beers to beautiful smiles, and in the sudden absence of the two different musical scores from the two different floors I had the urge to sing and fell upon the willing ears of someone willing to comment on my coloratura.

The comment surprised both of us and is tucked neatly in one of the thousand new compartments in my heart.

Sunday afternoon, three of us freshly inked, I sat in between Dave and John on the enourmous couch, my favourite movie spinning silently in the DVD player, ensconced in my two favourite people in the universe, and the feeling was beyond any words in any of the languages that I have toyed with.

Later, on the balcony, King Louie broke my heart into a thousand shards of happy tears, and this morning at the bus station John and I talked for a solid hour without noticing a moment go by.

Everything from Austria's national flower to instant messenger dynamics and where our strength has somehow hidden itself in the most difficult moments.

I will never forget that space of time on the couch, when sitting still suddenly became the most wonderful thing in the universe.


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backup ..random chance.. rollover


Last few Rants:

I guess this is goodbye. - 11:57 a.m. , 2005-02-10
Endorphins, stress, and magickal mystery - 5:07 p.m. , 2005-02-02
stress, incoming - 4:42 p.m. , 2005-01-28
heaving great happy sighs - 3:05 p.m. , 2005-01-24
Imposter syndrome strikes again - 1:20 p.m. , 2005-01-19