cigars and brutality



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Addendum to below:

It is glorious outside. Driven by restlessness, I donned my heavy boots (my feet had forgotten the feel of them) and swathed myself in metres of scarf and coat and ventured into displaced winter.

Cars were going by at 20km/h, no longer as threatening as they usually are, and the sidewalks were empty save for two kids playing with shovels and screaming giddily at each other. They grinned when they saw me, sole adventurer into their white landscape world.

The flakes are heavy and show no sign of slowing, and my coffee smells as good as it does on any desolate winter morning. The world is at peace, it's another christmas but without my parents screaming SACRILEGE in my ears. Today is more perfect than I could have asked for.

On that note, I'd better get that essay done.

I am sitting by the window, marvelling at the ivory landscape that stretches out for miles. It's Sunday, I feel like I'm late for the ski team, only the season ended a month ago...

I shake my head and drop a perfectly shaped inch-in-diameter coin of ash, missing my ashtray by about an inch. (I'm coordinated, that way)

I am smoking one of Johnny's cigars. The ringlet said Cohiba, but I just recognize them by smell.

Smooooothe. I have my own cigar cutters. M3 s0 l337. *lol*

I don't feel like a cigarette today. (yet)

I've about had my fill of Jazz, Langston Hughes has still to relinquish himself to my brilliance. But I've underlined about every other line in the handful of his poems that I've got, so it's a start.

I'm going to listen to some Dead Can Dance, now. I've missed them. And Social Distortion too. And I think I'm in love with the London Suede and The Verve, but that's just getting weird.

Last night, Malkavia killed my people page. It took me a solid few minutes to figure out how the fuck it worked... Thusly proving that homework IS bad for the cognitive faculties. That, and I was laughing too damn hard. *grin*

So I killed cf188's. Figured he's real smart, he'll figure it out. If not, he'll kill me... But at least he's got girly fists. ;)

I'm going to miss Preacher Bob. He needs time off from playing visionary. I remember that feeling. Needing to think alone. Find myself. Formulate. Affemann, you were one of the few people who's mentality I identify with.

Stay brutal, brother, and never forget the paradigm-shifts.

And you too. Stay brutal.


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backup ..random chance.. rollover


Last few Rants:

I guess this is goodbye. - 11:57 a.m. , 2005-02-10
Endorphins, stress, and magickal mystery - 5:07 p.m. , 2005-02-02
stress, incoming - 4:42 p.m. , 2005-01-28
heaving great happy sighs - 3:05 p.m. , 2005-01-24
Imposter syndrome strikes again - 1:20 p.m. , 2005-01-19