coffee talking



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I am hiding in my lab, writing this out in vi as any proud geek would do. (Fabrice is in my office and even my headphones can't drown his shrill whine out)

I am recovering from the utter lack of sleep since last we communed. No wait, that's a lie, I'm not recovering, I am adjusting.

I received an e-mail from my delightful little enchantress friend on EQ, about the evenin's events after I logged out, too tired to cast my spells properly anymore.

Everyone died, the mage who was on his way to replace me arrived to find a stack of corpses, neatly piled atop each other to carry home with him.

Lannie's reaction: "We couldn't fight them off without you... Please don't make me leader again!"

Hey, at least I'm needed somewhere...;)

Maria, I'm sorry. I have betrayed thee, sorta. Y'see, this afternoon is Yet Another Cultural Event at Gemplus and this week it's Greek... So for the past two weeks Tia and Whatshername and all the lunch kiddies have been running around planning things I can't pronounce and putting together posters and videos and stocking up on strange alcohols, and of course, whence the excitement is, thence goes Monstre, right?

So I kinda got roped in. Maria will you still love me if I'm Greek-for-the-day? On St-Patty's day everyone in Montreal's Irish, but at least I almost look the part, right?

But Greek?

Well y'see... Tia brought a dress. So not only am I going to be in the middle somewhere so everyone can point and laugh and I can turn that ever so entertaining shade of crimson that is my only talent outside of EQ, but I get to do it in traditional garb. And it's a WHITE dress. With ribbons. And a vest. And STOCKINGS. And a scarlet headscarf and and and...


But they forgot to order me to wear shoes, so I'll be in my hikin' boots. And they're muddy and everything from today's sweet-smelling downpour.

I'm sorry, princess, I haven't turned on you, I swear... And it's only for two hours... And I promise not to eat anything garlicky, k? *grin*

In other news, sleep has once again been declared a thing for sissies. Saturday we net-fested, fourteen hours of me calling Bruno pisshead and him reacting in terribly entertaining ways. At one point, we even had Eric run from the room screaming.

Of course, to netfest, you have to bring your machine to whoever's got the hub's house, right? I can't fit all the boys, anyway. MArc didnt' want to stay home. So we gamed at Chris', and I couldn't use Lucky's peripherals like I usually do.

So Saturday morning (well, morning for them, I'd been up since 8am trying to unstick the computer from the floor) Eric calls and asks "Do you need help with your monitor?"


I can do it. I had no trouble carrying it's 19-inch bulk to my dining room, why wouldn't I be able to get it to my car?

Something about the strain of four floors, three doors, around the corner, up the street to my car... Well...

But I made it, and we adventured around Beaconsfield stocking up on enough junkfood to last forever, on soft drinks and pop tarts and nachos with sow-sow sauce and some-weird-american-flavoured-doritos (Who's Bob?) and..

And we made new characters on a new server, all together and we gamed until the sun starting making it hard for me to see the screen. And for once, I was the tough guy, I saved Marc's arse and Chris' arse and the moments when Chris was running about buying our spells I was having my obstinacy rubbed from my shoulders (I asked for help to get it back UP the stairs) and we had pizza and too much laughter.

Sunday my sister decided that she doesn't want me to be her sister anymore. I felt the urge to scream some hurtful obsenity and I bit it until it popped with juicy flavour without passing my lips. I hung my head, and with the self-righteousness she was accusing me of quietly explained how maybe sometimes when she's so busy screaming, maybe she's not listening either.

Then I went outside and left a cigarette butt on my parents' front stoop, and played with greek symbols in my head until there wasn't much left aside from "you didn't hear anyone either when you were so occupied with your own fury at the world, at least you've got something in common..."And the fury passed. And since then it's been nothing but gottamovegottamovegottamove and I skipped the gym on Monday to fix Paul's videocard since his MSCE friend had only learned the right way to do things, not the way to fix 'em when someone else fucks up.

SO now I am winblows goddess too, but if he wants help installing his RAM this weekend I'm demanding more than a kiss on the cheek as thanks.

Oh dear.

I'd better go put on that dress.




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backup ..random chance.. rollover


Last few Rants:

I guess this is goodbye. - 11:57 a.m. , 2005-02-10
Endorphins, stress, and magickal mystery - 5:07 p.m. , 2005-02-02
stress, incoming - 4:42 p.m. , 2005-01-28
heaving great happy sighs - 3:05 p.m. , 2005-01-24
Imposter syndrome strikes again - 1:20 p.m. , 2005-01-19