Sumus Malus, Malaczek and Malenka and Sunshine



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As we continute along our Gemplus safari, coming to the next stop (where it still suspiciously says "Douche" on the door rather than "Gila Monstre"), we have in the far corner Peter's desk, and here on your right, if you look closely you will be able to discern "Sunshine" - commonly known as Gila, she is the prominent source of sunshine in our office.


That's apparently the tour that new people get.

Five new people started today, one of which is my student. Rima - first year at Concordia, doing her first Coop work term, and I'm determined to make it better than my first work term was.

She's excited enough to be on a work term, now she's getting excited that she's allowed kickboxing my officemate. Oooooh, we're going to get along JUST fine. I'm afraid I talked a little too fast, tho - I keep forgetting how much she knows on some subjects, and how she hasn't really touched on a lot of the other ones that we're dealing with. Oops. But she's got a very expressive face and it's pretty clear when her eyes glaze over after my fifth iteration of "well, if you take the first 32 bits and inverse them then you get..."

So I'm Sunshine, eh? I knew I shouldn't have gone back to blonde.

But apparently cute-guy "Marc-Andre" wants me.

No really, he yelled it out in the hallway.

See, the mystery of my disappearing office-label is getting progressively convoluted.

First, I was relocated to the shower, and naked people were walking into my office.

Today, I stop by the bathroom on the way to get more coffeecoffeecoffee - so I went through a different door - the one across from Marc Andre's office that he shares with the ever-so-celtic Mr. Roy (who's name I didn't know until now) and a handful of label-less people. I wander past, staring at the nametags, trying to figure out what Mr. Roy's name is after all. I see a familiar-looking name, and figure, hey - that must be it, but why does it look so strange?


That's *my* name.


I wander in and Marc-Andre owns up to having stolen my name off the shower door and putting it up on his office - he figures it'd be fun to have a looney sharing office space with him.

Of course, translated into clumsy english this came out as "I want you" spoken a little too loudly to make himself understood.

Well, I can predict what THIS week's running gag is going to be...

But he hugs good and doesn't like letting go, so I'm pretty giddy about the idea. :)

Pardon me, but I've had EQ on my mind all day, and when I was finally settling down to some serious concentrating, my newsgroups beeped only it wasn't newsgroups after all.

It was an e-mail from Dazahan, the wizard I've been doing a lot of far-and-wide adventuring with lately.

Calling me the "swiftly advancing and very promising young wizard (that's you Mal)" that our guildmaster should keep an eye out for.

Oh deaaaaaar.

A computer game, handfuls of pixels with a disturbingly high rate of packet loss - has my heart all a-flutter. I guess unexpected compliments are universal, hunh?

And I made a bard. I'm going to go play her now.

Her name is Malenka, and after Marc's bitching about how there aren't enough chicks in the guild, and how it's weird if I make another guy, I deleted the old bard and made this one.

I was gonna make her human, but Folli (our only bard right now) and Dazahan talked me into a half-elf.

Then I was going to make the pretty brunette with the soft eyes and round cheekbones, but Daz begged and begged for me to make the white-haired tough-bitch chick.

Oh dear, it's a role-playing-game and I'm playing me - a hapless misfit poet with a disjointed attitude.

Let's see how I hold up in utopia, eh?

So I'm going to go level up Malenka until I can safely do a quest to get into the Silver Drakes again.

Then I'm going to hunt plague sharks as Malaczek with Dazahan.

Then I'm going to practice my research spells, my brewing, and if I manage to skip out on Foufs tonight, I'm going to practice my twisting with Malenka again.

To you, this sounds like a night spent in front of the TV.

To me, it's something I've been looking forward to since I logged out last night.

Sumus Malus,



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backup ..random chance.. rollover


Last few Rants:

I guess this is goodbye. - 11:57 a.m. , 2005-02-10
Endorphins, stress, and magickal mystery - 5:07 p.m. , 2005-02-02
stress, incoming - 4:42 p.m. , 2005-01-28
heaving great happy sighs - 3:05 p.m. , 2005-01-24
Imposter syndrome strikes again - 1:20 p.m. , 2005-01-19