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early morning hippie moments - 2002-01-08
four day weekend - 2001-10-31
manic doubt, cycling again - 2001-10-30
drunken decoration - 2001-10-29
1920s cobwebbed madmen - 2001-10-26
Comme tu es belle - 2001-10-25
day of the dissonance - 2001-10-24
ass action - 2001-10-22
poulet normand - 2001-10-19
executive whore - 2001-10-18
the high tech paradox - 2001-10-16
long dark teatime of my hallway - 2001-10-12
max rebo - 2001-10-11
fuck - 2001-10-10
buckling and condemning the self - 2001-10-10
raindrops on roses and chuch bells - 2001-10-09
brass keys - 2001-10-05
fall apart - 2001-10-04
random. undercurrent. snippets. - 2001-10-03
comfort music, kinda like comfort food but better - 2001-10-02
r�ler - 2001-10-02
eruptions - 2001-10-01
stop it stop it stop it - 2001-09-17
karmic forces - 2001-09-11

Year Three is Fast and Furious

December 2002...
November 2002...
October 2002...
September 2002, I slowly began conquering my new city, and new life. Shyly, almost.
August 2002, I crossed the ocean again.
July 2002 in which decisions were made.
June 2002
May 2002
April 2002
March 2002
February 2002
January 2002

Year Two is Too

December 2001
November 2001
In October 2001 was dark with the stress of finding and feeling home in Paris, and more importantly, finding the France in Paris.
In September 2001 was lonely in the discovery of a darker Paree.
In August 2001 it wasn't a decision, since the alternative was regret.
July 2001 heard rumours of running away, and the pain of letting go.
June 2001 saw lay-offs and things upended.
May 2001 was excitement itself, travelling again and giving important gifts and learning to live in relationships.
April 2001 disappeared in a flurry of spring activity.
March 2001 was math and long hours and subdued adventure.
February 2001 fought the doldrums off in sun-drenched armour.
January 2001 was a love affair.

Year One was Long Winded

December 2000 fell faster than snow, and ever so much softer.
November 2000 holds my birthday. 'Nuff said.
October 2000 ostentatious and showering sparks.
September 2000 celebrated, sang, and swooped on by.
August 2000 was beige but bountiful.
July 2000 sped by on amphetamine wings.
June 2000 wined and whined and rifed with poetry.
May 2000 was a whole new set of beginnings.
April 2000 was every escape.
March 2000 was furious discoveries.
February 2000 began on shaky colt's feet.