girl stuff, when did this happen?



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And in other news mostly involving gruesome details of the female gender...

(Things you probably don't want to know)

...coming down with a cold just as your body is getting ready to unleash the monthly crimson flood would probably explain why the cold took you out quite so hard.

Two days confined to a bed for a stupid cold had me worried about my overall strength but now it's allll making sense and somehow PMS is over and I missed it.

MISSED it, in a flood (hehehe) of snotty kleenexes (still working on the box that Mr. Pyke left behind in November tho) and infuriating moments with aforementioned orange cat.

Somehow, participating in David's girls' First Online Chat was a merry enough distraction as well... Judging by certain other people who's first moments with ICQ involved your not-so-humble heroine on the other end of the wire, these girls are going to be Big Net Trouble someday.


And the other item in the news from Monstre's teal-paneled armoire is that today brings the end of the year-long glorious career of The Turquoise Bra.

Yes, my first token coloured bra, not only NOT BLACK but BRIGHT FUCKING TURQUOISE and deliciousely matching part of my tattoo as well as the only two other coloured parts of my wardrobe, will be biting the inside of a trashcan tonight.

I keep wondering if I should burn it in effigy of the Day I Started Wearing Underwires, but there's a distinct lack of gasoline and steel garbage bins about paris.

Either way, if I ever manage to slice it off my chest tonight, it'll be in no shaped to be put back on.

Y'see, a while ago those neat little wires that hold a bra together at the back started mangling.

Trying to put it on today, I stabbed myself with the wildly careening metal dagger it had thrust out at me.

I'd be offended, but it was a good bra. It was kind and firm and even a teeny bit warm and looked delightfully cheery as a backdrop to David's gentle fingers.

It was my first step towards displayable lingerie, too, not just the cotton stuff from the back of the store that I never really wanted to think about.

Suuuure, I can replace it, but y'know, you never forget your first...


I wonder what I can do with a little velcro to replace those snaps.

Hrmmm... My first velcro bra. This has possibilities especially for occasional drunken celbratory evenings when clothing seems to get so complicated.

Certain ideas may require pondering.

In the meantime, I'm off to breathe some fresh polluted parisian air, get a couple of rolls of film developped (apparently Photo Station will even SCAN them for you!) and see just how lost I can get in my own neighbourhood before my feet get sore.

I can't believe I missed PMS. NICE!


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backup ..random chance.. rollover


Last few Rants:

I guess this is goodbye. - 11:57 a.m. , 2005-02-10
Endorphins, stress, and magickal mystery - 5:07 p.m. , 2005-02-02
stress, incoming - 4:42 p.m. , 2005-01-28
heaving great happy sighs - 3:05 p.m. , 2005-01-24
Imposter syndrome strikes again - 1:20 p.m. , 2005-01-19