back to da fray



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Welp, it's back to da fray.

But my vacation was perfect. Cobalt was the perfect host, the perfect guide, and one of those rare and radiant people who can do comfortable silence. I don't know which I liked best - the involved talks out front of his house over a cigarette, enjoying the company at the same time as marvelling at the lizards scurrying 'round... Or the long drives from point A to point Umpteen, swallowing scenery in gulps, learning to recognize this Taco Bell versus that one, the Winn-Dixie versus the...[insert generic americano superstore here].

Tuesday night at Barbarella's (same place as Das Maschine, some of the same crowd) was idyllic. Semi-shocked at the hungry friendliness of a few of Chris' friends, laughing uproriously as "Larry" sung the "Blame Canada" song, as James purred and suckled on my ear and massaged every kink in history out of my back(watching James dance is nigh a religious experience), picking on Rob, buying him a drink after he'd attempted the chivalry thing and bought me one...

Talking to army-boy (the hat, it must've been the hat - I never got his name) about road trips in general, moaning at the eye-candy that wandered by (those which I had the opportunity to speak with - Aurora, Meghan, the girl with the red hair... were beyond charming) while "Scarecrow" scratched my back, watching "Warren" dance and being distinctly reminded of the Cirque Du Soleil video that we'd watched in rapt silence at Rob's the evening before...

Chris, thank you so much for playing perfect host. You, and any of your crew, are more than welcome here anytime... Tho I'm afraid I've no velvet sheets to offer. But I bet we can match your hospitality hug for hug.

So far today, I'm still in my ratty sweatshirt pajamas, I've made my to-do list for the next couple of days, and managed to strike a couple off already. Spoke to the accountant, I may be getting off easy w/regards to taxes... Gotta love the way Canada treats students (thought I've been working full time all year). I've reorganized a bit of my room, though it's due for a spring cleaning, I've scrubbed poor Chartreuse's vivarium, made a handful of calls and caught up on e-mail and now I'm off to do laundry and write the accountant a check...

Oh, and I passed my AI class. With a C-. Shit grade, but... Considering the paltry amount of work that I did, and the fact that I was worried about not graduating.... WAAAAHOOOOO!!! And I've still got my B- to graduate with.

Not good, but not horrible, either. It still leaves a few doors open. And I know you told me so, Steven... And y'know what? I wouldn't mind being HORRIBLY WRONG more of the time! Thank you...

And thank you for still bein' here when I got back. :)


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backup ..random chance.. rollover


Last few Rants:

I guess this is goodbye. - 11:57 a.m. , 2005-02-10
Endorphins, stress, and magickal mystery - 5:07 p.m. , 2005-02-02
stress, incoming - 4:42 p.m. , 2005-01-28
heaving great happy sighs - 3:05 p.m. , 2005-01-24
Imposter syndrome strikes again - 1:20 p.m. , 2005-01-19